K-pop star SHINee's barcelona travelog 'Children of the Sun' was recreated as an e-book by apple iBooks.
'Children of the Sun' showed off as a paper book first on last December is the essay book that SHINee's members looked about Barcelona and wrote how they felt with photos in.
E-book was released with 2 versions(Korean, English).
This e-book is 60 percent lower in price compared to the paper book for international fans to buy easily.
'Children of the Sun' e-book provides people with various visual treats that the paper book didn't.
-Undisclosed travel photos, book trailers and so on.
It was produced with 'iBooks Author' which Apple company open to the public as a software for producing
electric books with Macintosh on 19th of January.
So We can meet digital contents to enjoy, touch and watch various multimedia beyond just reading books.

source: avingnews.com
translated by patata
English version! How great it is if it's in printed version. ^^