Jun 15, 2012

Teen Top challenges SHINee’s Minho


Teen Top recently challenged SHINee’s Minho.

On SBS MTV’s Teen Top’s Rise 100 Percent-War Against Issue, which will start airing on June 16, Teen Top will try to break the record for the high jump that Min Ho set.

On the show, in which idol group Teen Top will try hard to make issues by winning various games, group members have to break the record for the high jump that Min Ho set to 173 centimeters high.

Many people are paying attention to Teen Top, who practiced hard for the record, and wondering if they broke the record or not.

Min Ho heard the news and sent a supporting message to the group.

New group 100% will also appear on the show and try to complete the mission that Shinhwa’s Andy gave.

Source: TV Report| Via: Korea.com


  1. they wanna beat his height that he achieved on Shinhwa broadcast?
    aawww i wanna see his supportive message!!

  2. Minho's high jump was not 173cm but 270cm... or am i reading the sentence wrong? (o_e) nehoo, Good luck to TT. ^^

    1. the 240cm he got from shihwa broadcast is vault horse not high jump and it has springboard to support him.
