This summer, let us experience SHINee's youth and idol charm! Popular Korean band SHINee was just at Taiwan for the [SMTown Live World Tour III in Taiwan] concert, and this weekend they are back again to meet with the fans through Hit FM radio station.
On Sunday 6/17 at 5pm, during Hit FM's show [Hit DJ], SHINee was the guest for an hour. They accepted DJ Ah Jiao's interview and the highlight of the show was SHINee was to pick 3 lucky listeners from out of 2000 over messages and to give them a call.
Minho could not come because of work, but this was Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun and Key's first experience doing a call out to the listeners. They worked together to make this a fun hour and they were very happy to be able to be close to the fans and hope to have more chances to participate in similar events in the future!
SHINee usually are very relaxed during the show. Taemin and Key were dancing along to the music, and Jonghyun, Taemin and Key were even playing thumb wrestling! At that time, Jonghyun's eyes were uncomfortable and he kept rubbing them. There was once he even put his contact lens into his mouth (to wet it) then put it on again.
Hit Fm has announced SHINee as the [Hito K POP Star], so SHINee will randomly introduce their new mini album
Besides that, even though Korea has mid-autumn festival, they do not have the Chinese tradition of eating sticky rice dumplings, so Hit Fm especially prepared some dumplings and lucky gifts for SHINee to wish them success for their
When taking pictures, the photographer asked "is the watermelon sweet?", all four them said together "sweet!" (*It's like saying cheese before taking pictures). They were all very friendly.
During the call out program, a fan asked "with the new dorms living arrangement, is there any interesting things that happen between you and your roommate?" Jonghyun answered "I share a room with Taemin, so I am not sure if anyone snores. Minho, Onew and Key all have their own room, and most of the time we are at the living room watching TV and playing games."
Another fan asked "Which superpower would you like to possess most?" Onew
A fan asked "If you are not a celebrity, what will you want to do?" Taemin
Then DJ Milk tea asked "Taiwan experienced trembles from neighboring earthquakes recently, so what do they think?" Taemin gave an interesting answer saying "Because I have experienced it in Japan, I was a little happy when it happened in Taiwan. The hotel is high up, I feel that the building swaying is fun." The other three said because they were too tired from work, they did not felt anything.
Since SHINee comes to Taiwan often, the Chinese words they know are increasing. Taemin said "I still remember the Chinese we learned when I was a trainee, but I just do not have time to practice it." Besides knowing how to introduce themselves, they also know many food names. Key could easily say bubble tea, jelly balls, beef noodles, and xiao long bao (meat bun). Taemin even said he can have 3 servings of xiao long bao!
Because one of the staff they traveled with has done plastic surgery before, Key was able to use Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese to say "He underwent the double eyelid surgery". He was able to show his knowledge and talents in languages.
Because SHINee is popular worldwide, they have fans all around the world. SHINee feels that Taiwan fans are the most welcoming, and promises to come Taiwan often if they have the chance. They also revealed they want to collaborate with Show Luo. Key said "Because I have been on his show as guest and performed his songs, I am more familiar with him." Lastly, SHINee was very happy to be able to talk with the fans and look forward to the next time when they have a chance to come on Hit Fm again.
our shining boys are so interesting